Simon Whitten, Portfolio Manager, with attendee at the Post-Forum Cocktail Reception.
CEO Kevin Shea presenting the Opening Remarks at the Forum.
Yaacov Kopeliovich, Ph.D., Director of Research at RiXtrema, presenting on Tail Risk Protection & Regime Based Tactical Asset Allocation.
Simon Whitten, Portfolio Manager, with attendee at the Post-Forum Cocktail Reception.
At our inaugural Innovative Alpha Forum, Institutional Investor top ranked Strategists, Academics, and practitioners, will gather to discuss the most important issues facing our industry.
The financial crisis and subsequent recovery has highlighted the existence of Regimes in both the “real economy” and the financial markets. Investors have expressed that they are less than satisfied with investment managers who simply ignore these Regimes.
Options include building strategies to anticipate these Regimes or to hedge these Regimes. The case for both of these two options will be made in the context of Long Short, Tactical Asset Allocation and Stable Growth strategies, with a particular focus on a rising interest rate environment.